Chrome Extension for the awesome LACRM

Simplify managing all your contacts by installing the Blend Extension for Less Annoying CRM. Easily view recent contacts, upcoming tasks, import new contacts directly from LinkedIn and Gmail.

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What does the Blend Extension do?

Blend is a Chrome Extension that connects with your LACRM account to make it even faster and easier to access your contact information and keep it updated.

  • Import prospect details from LinkedIn
  • Add contacts directly from Gmail
  • View upcoming tasks
  • Search and view all your contacts
  • Fast and easy to add new contacts from the extension and assign to a LACRM user
  • Assign contacts to pipelines on importing/adding

By adding the Blend Chrome Extension, you can continue to browse other sites, write emails or even use other web applications, whilst keeping LACRM and access to all your contacts easily accessible in your Chrome browser sidebar.

Frequently asked questions

Simply head over to Chrome Extension store and install the extension within Chrome. You then need to click the 'puzzle' icon to the right of the address bar and click the blue Blend Extension icon. Then once the extension is open in the chrome side bar, click the connect with Less Annoying CRM button and follow the instructions. This will authenticate Blend Extension with your LACRM account to access your contacts.

When viewing your LinkedIn, you'll need to ensure Blend Extension is open at the same time. Then when browsing any LinkedIn profiles either via searching or viewing them directly, you should see a green add contact button appear alongside their name. Clicking this will add their first name, last name, job title and comapny name. Please note, this is sometimes dependent on what has been included on a LinkedIn profile so can sometimes vary. You'll see that any information that we can extract from a profile is pre-populated in the form, then you can just hit save contact to add them to LACRM.

When viewing your Gmail inbox, you'll need to ensure Blend Extension is open at the same time. At this point, you'll see additional green + icons alongside contact names where their email address does not already exist as a contact in LACRM. Once you click this icon, you'll see the contact form populate with their details. Then you just need to confirm any additional information you want to include and click save contact. Sometimes Gmail will require a refresh when you first open the extension if you don't see the green + icons showing.

Get the extension today

Currently the extension is completely free to use until 1st July 2024.

Get the extension